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1 min read
Catch yourself
I start most mornings out by myself. But recently I went for an early-morning walk with my husband. I knew he needed to get out of the...

2 min read
Notice the beauty
I have a beautiful mouse pad. It's a gorgeous flower picture my husband took. It makes me so happy. And yet I hardly ever use it. It...

3 min read
Make your own weather
I originally wrote this post in 2015. The message still resonates with me, and I hope it does with you too. The forecast called for rain....

2 min read
Create an alternate narrative
We received an unexpected resignation from a valued team member at work last week. Two of us immediately started wondering what we did to...

2 min read
Make the most of it
Your kids have an unexpected snow day, a bummer since you had a full list of things to do today. Can they help you accomplish some of...

2 min read
Learn the lesson
Four years ago, I put all my hopes into getting a job for which I was not qualified. It was a job for a technical trainer that I...

2 min read
Face it
At our company holiday party, we brought in teachers who helped us stencil some of our favorite quotes onto pieces of wood. The beautiful...

3 min read
Mark a happy milestone
As I was trying to figure out how to use the fancy printer/copier at Staples, the employee who was helping me couldn't help my notice my...

2 min read
Make a backup plan
It was only going to be the third flight my husband and I had taken together in 13 years of marriage. A trip from Philadelphia to Atlanta...

2 min read
Assess your stuff
A small birdhouse my son colored with marker a few years ago. A solar-powered turkey decoration from Thanksgiving. A speech contest...

2 min read
Select your word
Elevate. Embrace. Delight. Those are my words of the year for 2016, 2017, and 2018. The idea of making resolutions feels arbitrary to...

2 min read
Stay in the moment
In this moment I am fine. 2017 was a pretty good year for my family, for my co-workers and me, and for my side business as a speaker....

2 min read
Identify a positive counterfact
I start each weekday morning with a brief meditation, and last week one minute into the meditation, the app crashed and my phone went to...

2 min read
In my twenties, I had the dream of becoming a professional organizer. Young and overconfident, I quit my job in the summer of 2001 with...

2 min read
Say thanks
Who still has a thank you note someone gave you a long time ago? When I ask this question in my positivity talks, most people in the room...

2 min read
Commit acts of kindness
To celebrate my 40th birthday last year I bought 40 soft pretzels and spent about 90 minutes handing them out to people I didn't know....

2 min read
Keep a smile file
There's negativity coming at us all the time, whether in the form of bad news, complaints, or criticisms. One of the best ways to counter...

3 min read
Be intentional
What are you doing right now? No really, right now. Are you enjoying a blog post? Are you mindlessly clicking on a blog post? Are you...

2 min read
Recognize the choice
What are the most frequently used words in your house? Choice is one of ours. I guess it's because I've always been drawn to that quote...

2 min read
Focus on the known
This spring I heard a keynote speech presented by Elina Fuhrman, who is also known as Soupelina. When she was talking about the steps she...
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